Grand-Orgue (I) 58 keys
Jeux de Fonds
- Bourdon 16’ (24 pipes of wood, 34 of 26% tin)
- Montre 8’ (58 pipes of 75% tin)
- Salicional 8’ (58 pipes of 50% tin, as “either/or” with Pédale)
- Flûte harmonique 8’ (5 pipes from Montre, 53 of 75% tin)
- Prestant 4’ (58 pipes of 75% tin)
Jeux de Combinaison
- V Cornet 8’ (150 pipes of 50% tin (c25-f54))
- II-III Plein Jeu 2’ (145 pipes of 50% tin)
Récit Expressif (II) 58 keys
Jeux de Fonds
- Viole de gambe 8’ (5 pipes from Cor de nuit, 53 of 50% tin)
- Voix céleste 8’ (46 pipes of 50% tin (c13-a58))
- Cor de nuit 8’ (12 pipes of wood, 46 of 26% tin)
- Flûte octaviante 4’ (58 pipes of 50% tin)
Jeux de Combinaison
- Octavin 2’ (58 pipes of 75% tin)
- Trompette 8’ (58 pipes with 50% tin full-length resonators)
Pedale (30 keys)
- Soubasse 16’ (18 pipes from G.O. Bourdon, 12 more of wood)
- Montre 8’ (12 pipes from G.O. Montre, 18 of 50% tin)
- Salicional 8’ (30 pipes from G.O. Salicional, as “either/or”)
Tirasse Grand-Orgue
Tirasse Récit, 8’ and 4’
Récit sur Grand-Orgue
Anche Grand-Orgue
Anche Récit Expressif
Wind stabilizer, on/off
Appel Bourdon (reversible)
Cancel – Grand-Orgue & Pédale
Cancel – Récit Expressif
941 pipes, 20 ranks
Additional Organ Features:
- Mechanical (suspended) key action
- Mechanical stop action with mechanical couplers and mechanical combination pedals
- Balanced mechanically-linked swell pedal for Récit Expressif division
- Adjustable bench (by worm-geared hand crank)
- Rosewood or grenadilla for hand-turned stop knobs, for manual sharps, for pedal sharp caps, and for console inlays
- Mastodon naturals for manual keys
- Porcelain, hand-lettered stop knob faces
- Key desk lighting, pedal keyboard lighting, and all cabinet interior service lighting
- Solid wood casework to blend with interior wood of St. Alban’s Church
- Cut-to-length open metal pipes; cone tuning for most pipes; no sliding tuning devices
- Soldered-on domed caps for Bourdon treble and for Cor de nuit metal pipes